Quickly and efficiently visualize the status of your application portfolio. Through easy-to-use reports.
No need to create, adapt or spend time reinventing the wheel to keep track of your assets.
List of applications and their modules within your Information System.
Each application is defined by its elements and dependencies such as:
Data is at the heart of software. It is managed, transported, and consumed in Information Systems.
Traceability is complete to and from:
The main uses are taken into account:
Managing exchanges requires keeping an up-to-date mapping repository.
With EFR, you apply a market best practice, the structuring of the IS in layers, from Christophe Longépé.
"Applications" are applications. "Data" is data. Concepts are not reinvented.
Applications, data, and interfaces are managed in repositories. No modeling or method skills are required.
All IT actors (project managers, developers, architects) enrich the repositories.
Exchange and underlying technology management are fully integrated with:
Transports from your environments enrich the repositories with concrete elements.
Data is at the heart of your exchanges. Specialized repositories are dedicated to them:
The main monitoring reports of the repositories are provided.
The EFR APIs are accessible to automate information gathering.
A cartographic tool supporting flow supervision.
The first vision is the one proposed to the business. It corresponds to data transfer between n systems.
The concepts implemented are minimal to be understood with:
The design of data transfer between application modules is precise.
The principle implemented is often called "half-flow". Regardless of the technology you use, it is supported:
In addition to these repositories and definitions, the management of the lifecycle of Interfaces and flows is proposed to be controlled.
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