Change management in EFR encompasses several concepts and functionalities.
Dynamic tables allow business teams to configure their data or settings without requiring a redeployment.
This configuration must be dynamically taken into account by mediations/interconnections.
There are numerous ways to retrieve them: JSON API, CSV, YAML, etc.
Managing configuration properties is always a challenge in itself.
EFR offers you the ability to align it with your mediations portfolio in order to:
The lifecycle of your mediations and applications is described in the cartography.
Reports provide you with an overview for monitoring.
EFR provides answers to the needs of interconnection teams.
Dynamic tables provide a simple way to distribute their changes.
Automation tools and CI/CD publish, complete, and retrieve reference data.
Instead of developing heterogeneous solutions to address common issues, EFR standardizes your approach.
Sensitive data such as passwords are secured by Vault via EFR.
Do you have any other specific needs? Let us know.
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