Your Information System Governance is Unusable

Information Systems are becoming increasingly rich and integrated. This produces complexity and many tracking difficulties.

Enterprise Flows Repository is the dashboard for Production flows

  • Comprehensive

    All technology flows are collected and available in one place. This comprehensive feature allows you to easily access and manage all your technology flows, ensuring nothing is missed.

  • Visibility

    Reports provide tracking of service quality. Gain better visibility into the performance and quality of your services with our comprehensive reporting feature.

  • Organized

    Your vision is confronted with what has been executed. Stay organized and aligned with your vision by easily comparing it with the actual execution of your technology flows.

  • Real-time

    EFR analyzes flows in real-time. Quick decision-making becomes possible with our real-time flow analysis feature, enabling you to respond promptly to any changes or issues.

  • Compatible

    All technologies are compatible with EFR APIs: API, ESB, ETL, EAI; as well as ERP, CRM, etc.; as well as Databases, etc. Achieve seamless integration and compatibility with various technologies, including APIs, ESB, ETL, EAI, ERP, CRM, and databases, with our comprehensive compatibility feature.

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Enterprise Flows Repository centralizes, standardizes, and synthesizes flows to allow you to operationally manage your information system.

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