IT support for exchanges is too complex

Too many technologies, too many flows, too many specialists, it's just too much!

Enterprise Flows Repository is the assistant to structure IT support activities.

  • Comprehensive

    Each element communicates with EFR to inform it of its status. There are no gaps in the process.

  • Centralized

    Flows from all technologies are collected and available in a single place.

  • Organized

    Exchanges are structured with natural sources and targets. Understandable management follows.

  • Alert

    EFR analyzes flows in real-time. Teams are immediately informed.

  • Simplified

    EFR brings together transport elements to produce an intelligible functional view.

Vous souhaitez une démonstration ?

Enterprise Flows Repository centralise, uniformise et synthétise les flux pour vous permettre de piloter opérationnellement votre système d'information.

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